Bad Karma
Our Sponsors


History of Karma | Team Roster | Action Photos | Our Sponsors | Upcoming events | Karma Contacts

Bad Karma Logo

California is becoming highly motivated in the sport of paintball and it seems to be growing more every day. Bad Karma is a Central Valley based team with players ranging from Merced to Clovis. With loyalty and sponsors, a team won't make it very far. Luckily, we met three important people that were willing to give a fresh new team a chance. In this sport, it is very hard to find sponsors to support you in the way a team needs to be supported. For this, we give great thanks to the two main sponsors we have. Without them, I believe that it would have been much rougher to finish the season that we did. As of right now, we are working on more sponsorships and hope one day this page will be full.



Once again, we want to thank our sponsors for all their help throughout the season.

